The Winner: The Undertaker
After being gone for several months, The Undertaker returned to RAW. As he was entering the ring, someone else’s music started to play. That man? Triple H. Triple H, who had been gone about 11 months at this point, came into the ring. Got up in The Undertaker’s face. Then looked at the WrestleMania marquee sign hanging in the arena. Undertaker looked at it too. Then did his throat slit as apparent confirmation of this challenge.
The match was made with NO WORDS USED AT ALL. They did promos after this of course. But the actual challenge came with no words.
Triple H’s entrance for this match was accompanied by “For Whom The Bell Tolls” by Metallica. That song is not used on this DVD. A knockoff version of it is. Its close but not the same. This match will take place under No Holds Barred rules.
The problem with this match that I don’t think translates well to the writing of this blog is that I don’t think I can get across the drama of the moves that they are doing. There were several close moments in the match that Triple H had, but they just went from signature move to signature move and while it made sense in the context of watching it. There is not a lot of wear down holds. This match is based solely off of what Triple H and The Undertaker are known for doing. The story was simply, who had the bigger will and better arsenal. It wasn’t as fast paced as their WrestleMania 17 match or as psychologically driven as the following years match. This match did though add a lot to the drama of the rematch the following year. And the finish of this match set up the next match.
Triple H got in 3 pedigrees, even a tombstone but nothing would stop Undertaker. Chair shots wouldn’t do it. A sledgehammer wouldn’t do it Undertaker only won though, because he got in a luckily timed hold. He could not stand up at the end of the match, he was not able to walk out after the match. Nobody had beaten The Undertaker this bad. Nobody had come this close.
The Undertaker’s kickout after Triple H’s tombstone was probably the biggest pop of the streak thus far. With the way the match was going, that could have sensibly been the finish. Yet Undertaker survived.
It took everything of the Undertaker to win the match.
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