Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels


The Winner: The Undertaker

Background Noise

This match took place on April 5th 2009. After several months of being John Bradshaw Layfield’s employee, Shawn Michaels broke free. This was such a victory for him, that he declared that he wanted to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania. Shawn believe he was qualified because he is “Mr. WrestleMania”. Despite having a less than stellar record. Shawn broke out his religious background and quoted the bible numerous times in the build up.

Shawn’s entrance was comprised of him being lowered from the rafters bathed in white light. The Undertaker’s entrance was comprised of him being risen from under the ramp, then there was pyro. It’s like Heaven vs. Hell.

The Bell

When the bell rings, they circle each other. Undertaker has the size advantage. Shawn has the speed advantage. Shawn is able to avoid strikes and hit chops. He is able to get enough in to stagger The Undertaker. Undertaker catches one though and hurls Shawn over the top rope. Shawn lands on the apron and dives over The Undertaker after crotch chopping him. Shawn then feigns a knee injury. The ref tries to prevent Undertaker from attacking Shawn. Taker throws the ref out of the way and walks right into a Thesz press. Taker though, regains an advantage and uses his monstrous hands to debilitate Shawn.

Undertaker hits a huge press slam and an elbow drop. It gets a two count. Undertaker hits an Old School but misses a running boot in the corner. He hangs up his knee on the buckle. This prompts Shawn to start working over The Undertaker’s knee. Shawn locks in a modified Figure 4. Commentator Michael Cole credits Ric Flair as teaching it to Shawn, but its not the basic Figure 4 Leglock. I believe this variation of the move was taught to Shawn by Jamie “Bah Gawd” Noble. (UPDATE: Shawn Michaels corrected me via twitter, William Regal and Fit Finlay taught it to him)

Undertaker escaped the hold but before he could do anything, Shawn dropkicked his knee out from under him. Undertaker catches Shawn coming off the ropes but his offense is slower, he is having trouble standing after the leg lock and dropkick from a few minutes earlier. Undertaker hits Snake Eyes and a legdrop. It draws a two count. Undertaker goes for a chokeslam but Shawn reverses to a crossface. Undertaker makes it to his feet and hits a side slam. It draws a two count. More brawling commences. Shawn hits a flying forearm. He follows it up with a few inverted atomic drops and a chop. Another clothesline. He goes up top for an elbow drop. Undertaker catches him for a chokeslam. Shawn escapes and goes for a Sweet Chin Music. Undertaker dodges it by ducking, Shawn goes back to the modified figure 4 but The Undertaker escapes and locks in The Hell’s Gate. Shawn makes it to the ropes and the hold must be broken (an amazing minute sequence)

Outside Undertaker tosses Shawn into the steps and goes for a guillotine legdrop, Shawn dodges and The Undertaker goes tailbone first onto the apron. Shawn hits a baseball slide dropkick which keeps The Undertaker on the outside. He then tries for a moonsault off the top rope but Taker swats him to the side and Shawn goes thud. Shawn looks to have injured his arm. Undertaker rolls in and goes for a suicide dive. Shawn avoids it by pulling a camera man (Sim Snuka) into The Undertaker’s way. That isn’t the story here though. Undertaker went HEAD FIRST INTO THE GROUND. Shawn helps the referee into the ring and instructs him to count. The count gets to 9. It would have been a very cheap way to win this match. Shawn signals for sweet chin music, but Undertaker dodges and this a chokeslam. That draws a two count. Undertaker goes for The Tombstone but Shawn escapes, goes for Sweet Chin Music, its caught, Undertaker goes for another chokeslam. Shawn breaks free and hits the Sweet Chin Music. It draws a very close two count.

Undertaker goes for a Last Ride powerbomb, Shawn reverses it by attempting a sunset flip. Undertaker reverses that into a Last Ride. Shawn kicks out of the pin attempt after that which causes Undertaker to throw a mini tantrum. Undertaker misses a flying elbow drop off the top rope. Shawn misses a charge and ends up on the apron, he tries a skin the cat, but Undertaker catches him and goes for a tombstone. Clearly the streak continues, this has to be the end….. NOPE! KICKOUT! Undertaker drops the straps and signals for another Tombstone. Shawn countered into a DDT type thing (this may have not gone as well as planned). Shawn hits a HUGE ELBOW OFF THE TOP ROPE! HE IS SIGNALLING FOR THE SWEET CHIN MUSIC, HE HITS IT! IS THIS THE END?!?!?!?!? NO!!!! KICKOUT!!!!! CHOP BATTLE!!! THEY ARE BRAWLING!!!! BIG BOOT BY THE UNDERTAKER!!!! SHAWN ESCAPES THE TOMBSTONE ATTEMPT!!!! UNDERTAKER CHARGES HIM IN THE CORNER!!!! SHAWN GETS A BOOT UP!!!! SHAWN IS GOING UP TOP! MOONSAULT ATTEMPT!!!! HE IS CAUGHT!!!! TOMBSTONE!!!!!! IT IS OVER!!!!!

The Verdict

One of the greatest closes to a match I have ever seen. Just an amazing match overall. Probably my favorite of this streak.

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